Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Following Signs , A Point of View : David Simonton

One of the practical bits of advice I give when I meet artist doing  portfolio reviews is to look at their website and keep them updated
that along with learning to edit is very important .In some ways like entering a few juried exhibitions/competitions it give the artist a chance to view his photographs  with his eye and mind as well as his heart .A way to balance passion with reason and maybe see if ideas are really being communicated.

As I often have said I am a lucky man today a artist , I met a few   years ago David Simonton sent me an email to say he was working on his site and sent me this link http://www.davidsimonton.com/portfolios/signs/

Photographers seem drawn to signage usually a lot of words or misspelled or missed meaning the almost flamboyant display usually leads to a few chuckles and then we move on. David's images are almost anti-sign they give information,they are small almost missed.They leave an air of mystery .

These photographs fit into the history of David's work the light,the dry observation. David Simonton minimalist yet romantic point of view wins my admiration .I am leaving these untitled for a day or two, wanted to share them now.These photographs were taken in 
North Carolina between 1996-2004


  1. Wonderful. Quietly speaks volumes. ws

  2. each sign is so unusual that it seems to be an entity unto itself,
    like I'm meeting different personalities.
    great work.

  3. very evocative. forgotten signs from forgotten places, all seem steeped in history from so long ago.
