Sunday, August 5, 2012

Dark, Even Darker, Winter : Aaron Hobson, the cinemascapist

I often hear the expression " a picture tells stories " when in reality most pictures leave you wanting to know more.There are times when you look at photographs and say did I leave the room, what is happening here ? Maybe photographs fall into two categories the literal and the poetic.The literal allows the viewer to create his own story,to think he knows. Understanding the poetic is always a bit more  elusive, it worries us so, there is never one story, one conclusion so we keep coming back.

I do not remember how or when I came upon the work of Aaron Hobson except that it was about three years ago. I emailed him to let him know that I was moved by his images.There is a sense of isolation and hurt that does not go away.I can not remember if I've ever spoken to Aaron but I still visit his site.
Attracted to his still frames that are parts of a larger epic. I have wonder at times that if this is a scripted autobiography maybe all will be revealed or not in the last reel.

Long Cold Night 
My Back Window

Pest Control

Steel town

64 Mercury
I found this to be a difficult edit so once again I encourage you to visit his site 

I will say that this Cinemascapist site is well edit and undated easy to navigate.

all images copyright by Aaron Hobson the cinemascapist


  1. think you probably saw this first on thisphotothat, :) - J

  2. You are so right, I saw this work on thisphotothat and contacted Aaron directly from the link. Today I went to check old emails and there is an email from 8/10/2009 where the cinemascapist and I are discussing Chris Jordan. small world J
